Lpro AIO Ramdisk Tool for hello Screen/Disable/passcode IOS15 for Mac and Windows
Lpro AIO Ramdisk Tool for hello Screen/Disable/passcode IOS15 for Mac and Windows
In this Post, You will find out how to bypass iPhone and iPad which is on IOS15 Version. You Can bypass Disable / Passcode with Signal by this tool. If you have IOS15 Hello Screen Mode, Sim/Signal won’t work for now. As there is no jailbreak for IOS15, You don’t have another option too. For iPhone 7 to X, No Need DCSD Cable. For iPhone 6S/6SP and iPad, Need DCSD Cable on Hello Screen Bypass. You need to pay for ecid register and bypass.
How To Use Passcode Bypass with LPro AIO Ramdisk v3.0
For Backup Process (PART I) :
Step 1: Boot to Recovery Mode Manually
Step 2: Click “Boot to DFU” Button to Boot DFU (DO NOT SKIP) to Boot Device in DFU Mode
Step 3: Click “Run PwnDFU” Button
Step 4: Click “Boot Device” Button
Step 5: Click “Check SSH”
(Wait for the Button to light up to become this Check SSH )
Step 6: Click the “Backup Activation” Button
Wait For Successful Backup and Verify Files in “Desktop/LProBackup” FolderPLEASE VERIFY FILES and DO FRESH “QUICK FLASH” RESTORE with iTunes or 3uTools. Note: Restore Without DATA Only. After Successful Restoration/Flash Proceed Next Part II:
For Restore Activation process (PART II) :
Step 1: Boot to Recovery Mode Manually
Step 2: Click “Boot to DFU” Button to Boot DFU (DO NOT SKIP) to Boot Device in DFU Mode
Step 3: Click “Run PwnDFU” Button
Step 4: Click “Boot Device” Button
Step 5: Click “Check SSH”
(Wait for the Button to light up to become this Check SSH )
Step 6: Click “Restore Activation” Button
Wait For Successful Restoration of Files to Device and Activate Device.\
Download Mac Tool Link
Windows Link